
12 Dec

In honor of today (probably yesterday by the time you are reading this…) being such an unique date, I thought I would post a blog of 12 pictures (1 from each month) of the past year.

 I had a brilliant idea of taking a picture by the clock at 12:12 today, but thought that would be dorky, so surely my family wouldn’t want to do it too…

But, I must have married at just my level of dorkiness (probably not a word, but when you are dorky, you can make up your own words) because Josh looks pretty enthused with the picture too! Ha!  Only problem is you can’t really see the clock, so maybe it just looks like we are taking a picture by the stove holding the iPad…families do it all the time:)

On a side note (just because I want you to know how special I am)…I turned 8 years old on the 8th day of the 8th month in 1988.  You are impressed, I know:)  Also, my mom didn’t put it in the paper, but wishes now that she would have, so I am kind of still dealing with that…kind of.

With no further ado….the pictures!


We went to see the eagles at LBL…such a fun trip!!  Can’t wait to do it again this year!

(Yes, we have a diva for a daughter!)


So sweet…they love sharing a room!


We visited an animal farm…thought about leaving the kids:)


Brooke’s 5th Birthday – wearing her princess dress that Nana made her!


Josh graduated from FHU with his Masters of Divinity (he’s really smart now)!!!


We had to put Rebel, our dog of 12 years, down…he was almost 15 years old!


Landon’s 3rd Birthday!


We built a treehouse as a family.  One of the most fun (or is it funnest?  I never have figured that out…) projects we have ever done!


Caleb is born!!  Wow…our family looks big now!  

(This picture was right before Landon took Caleb’s head and turned it towards the camera because we said to look at the camera:)


Went to the pumpkin patch with Pa and Nandy!  We love fall activities!!!


Austin’s 8th Birthday!


Caleb’s first golf outing…crazy that it was in December. 

We have had a wonderful year.  God has blessed us beyond what we could have imagined almost 13 years ago when we began our lives together.  I am so thankful for my family (even on the crazy, stressful days…which seem a little more often now:).

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