Sweet Boy

10 Dec

Austin, my 8-year old, is such a sweet boy.  He made my week on Friday night when I was getting ready for our progressive dinner with our church group.  I am still at an awkward stage with my clothes since having Caleb.  I have lost most of the baby weight, but my hips haven’t gotten the memo to go back to regular size (I am just hoping they get that memo!!).  I am happy with my size, but I don’t fit in many of my clothes (and everyone with four kids (which isn’t a majority of people) knows that you don’t have the time or money to buy new clothes).  It just frustrates me when I go to get ready and “nothing” fits (I put that in quotes because some things fit, just not what I want to fit).

Anyhow, on Friday afternoon when Josh came home from work, I was feeding Caleb and as Josh and I were talking he could tell that something was bothering me.  He asked me what was wrong, so I told him how I had picked out an outfit in my mind to wear to the dinner, but when I tried it on it didn’t fit…and it bothered me.  (I really wish it didn’t bother me, but I am human and it did.)  Austin was looking at me the whole time I was telling this to Josh, and I could tell it was making an impression on him.

Well, after I finished feeding Caleb, I went to the bathroom to finish getting ready.  Soon after, Austin comes in and stands at the sink looking at me.  I acknowledge him, and then he said some of the sweetest words that I won’t soon forget.  He said, “Mom you will look good in whatever you wear.”  At this point, my heart melted, and I almost cried (and I don’t usually cry unless I am mad so this really touched me).  We then had a discussion of how I shouldn’t worry about what I look like and that other things in life are a lot more important.

Austin often tells me how pretty I am or how nice I look.  I am so thankful for my sweet, 8-year old boy!


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