All the Marbles

5 Dec

We made it to the final prize for Landon getting all his marbles!!! (If that sentence doesn’t make any sense to you, you may want to check out this previous post!)   He finally moved his last marble over to the “good” jar!!!   (Tuesday night might have been the only night we had this week for him to go swimming, so maybe Josh and I rigged it a little…maybe.)  He was so proud when the jar was empty that he immediately said, “Mommy, take a picture of me with my jar!”  And of course, Brooke and Austin weren’t going to let the picture happen without them, so here you have the three of them with the jars.  (And before you ask…No, I do not pose like Brooke in pictures…she didn’t learn it from me!  Ha!).

They had a great time swimming at the YZM (as Landon calls it).  As you can see from the picture below, Landon decided to take Austin and Brooke along.  At one time, he agreed that we could all go, but only him and daddy could swim and the rest could watch:)  That wasn’t an option, so he opted for them swimming with him.  Caleb and I opted for staying home (well actually I opted for staying home and Caleb really didn’t care), which was like a reward for me because I got a quiet house for a little while!!

The swim was pretty uneventful, unless you take into account the super swimmer that was doing 25 laps in the pool, so Josh spent his time pulling children and toys from his path and the man that gave Josh the “look” after getting hit in the eye with water from our super-sonic water shooter. (Thankfully, it wasn’t one of our kids that shot it, just a girl that Josh had let borrow it…pretty funny that Josh still got the “look”!) Ha!

They really did have a great time and made some new friends, too!  Thanks to an awesome dad that isn’t afraid to venture out with three young ones to the Y alone for a nice swim!!!

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