Here Goes Nothing…

27 Nov

Well, I am finally sitting down to write my first blog post, EVER!!!  I am excited, nervous, and…confused.  My technology-loving husband has just given me the short version (actually he wanted to give me the long version, but I insisted on the short) on how to use WordPress.

I have enjoyed reading mommy blogs for quite a while.  I learn a lot from other moms and enjoy sharing in the everyday life of others, via blogging (mainly because I rarely leave my house since I am a homeschooling mom of four…).  I look forward to sharing my life with you in pictures and stories.  I hope you will be able to take something from this blog…at least a good laugh if nothing else:)

So, here goes nothing.  I hope to post a few times a week, if life goes as planned (which rarely happens with 4 kids).  I also hope to use this to keep family that lives away up-to-date on what goes on in the everyday lives of our family.

Oh, and just because I can (since this is my blog and all…) here is a picture of my wonderful kids:)



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